Category: Foreigners Law

foreigners lawYou can find all our articles on foreigners law in this category just below. However, if you want a brief information about the law of foreigners before that, read this article.

Turkey is a country where more and more citizens of other countries live, work or reside. The increase in the number of foreigners means that the legal problems related to foreigners also increase. For foreigners, it is a matter of concern how they can exercise their rights in a country of which they are not a citizen. Laws in Turkey aim to protect the rights of foreigners and prevent them from being victims. It is important for foreigners to learn what rights they have by consulting law firms in order to benefit from the rights provided by the law.

One of the most common legal procedures foreigners encounter is residence permit and work permit. In order to obtain a residence permit and a work permit, it is necessary for foreigners to fulfill certain conditions. Lawyers working in the field of foreigners’ law can assist individuals in obtaining residence permit and work permit by providing consultancy services in this field. Apart from this, the interest of foreigners in real estate in Turkey has increased in recent years. There are some legal procedures that foreigners have to do differently from the citizens of the Republic of Turkey when buying real estate. It is also possible for foreigners to obtain citizenship from the Republic of Turkey, provided that certain conditions are met. Since there are several ways to obtain citizenship, a decision should be made considering which way will be the fastest and the right way.

The number of foreign investors is increasing day by day. Foreigners who see an economic opportunity in Turkey want to start a business by using their capital here. Law firms provide consultancy services to foreigners in establishing a company. It is important that the companies to be established by foreigners comply with the regulations and are established correctly. Otherwise, negative results may occur in material and moral terms.

Refugees and foreign asylum seekers have also been on the agenda of Turkey in recent years. Turkey is one of the countries hosting the highest number of foreign asylum seekers in the world. The procedure to be followed by foreigners who want to seek asylum in Turkey may differ according to their country of citizenship. In addition, the foreigner who wishes to seek asylum must accurately indicate the reason for asylum. Lawyers can advise foreigners seeking asylum on how to proceed.

Our Foreign Law Articles

These are the subjects of foreigners’ law in general, but since it is necessary to go into detail, we have collected the articles we have written on this subject on this page.

	Restriction Codes for Foreigners and the Case for Removal of the Restriction Code in Turkey 
	Opening A Bank Account in Turkey for Foreigners 
	Turkish Citizenship by Real Estate for 400 Thousand Dollars 
	Work Permit 
	Long Term Residence Permit in Turkey