Tahdit kodu

Restriction Codes for Foreigners and the Case for Removal of the Restriction Code in Turkey

Millions of foreigners visit Turkey for various reasons each year. Under some circumstances, foreigners are deported and imposed restriction codes against them because of their failure to comply with the Turkish law.

When a foreigner is deported from Turkey, based on the reasons for deportation, a restriction code may be attached to their file. As a result of this code, the foreigner is banned from re-entering the Republic of Turkey for a duration ranging from 1 month to 5 years, and in certain cases, even indefinitely.

IMPORTANT!: Recently the ban on entry into Turkey regarding visa violations has been significantly changed. We have reviewed the current and detailed review of the issue for 2023 in our article titled ‘Visa violation in Turkey‘.

From the list of restriction codes below, you can access the relevant section directly by clicking on the restriction code that identifies you. However, you should definitely read the administrative application, lawsuit, annotated visa and frequently asked questions, which are the procedures that you may be required for the removal of the restriction code.


What is the Restriction Code? and Why is it Placed?

In some cases, the restriction codes provide information about the foreigner. In other cases, it indicates the grounds for the foreigner’s entry ban or deportation. The grounds for the imposition of restriction codes may differ from one another. Depending on the situation, the duration of the restriction may also vary.

Here is the list and short descriptions of the restriction codes for foreigners:

  • V-68 (Residence permit subject to ministerial permission)
  • V-69 ( Residence permit revoked)
  • V-70 (Fake marriage)
  • V-71 (Foreigners who did not notify the change of address or declared inaccurately)
  • V-74 (Foreigners whose leave will be reported to the ministry/governorates)
  • V-77 (Those who have applied even though they are not Meskhetian Turks)
  • V-84 ( Those who have entered under the condition of getting a residence permit in 10 days)
  • V-87 (Temporary protection holder who made a voluntary return)
  • V-88 (Foreigners whose work permit has been invalidated)
  • V-89 ( Foreigners who have been readmitted)
  • V-91 (Foreigners who are under the temporary protection and whose exit from the Turkey is subject to a permit)
  • V-92 (Foreigners with duplicate registration and under temporary protection)
  • V-137 (Those ordered to leave Turkey)
  • V-144 (Foreigners released under 57-A)
  • V-145 (Voluntary return)
  • V-146 ( Annotated Turkish passport)
  • V-147 ( Spouse of a Turkish citizen whose passport is annotated)
  • V-148 (Person residing in a temporary accommodation center)
  • V-153 ( Decision of the Turkish Constitutional Court concerning injunction on the third country)
  • V-154 (Application to the administrative court against a deportation order)
  • V-155 (An injunction of the European Court of Human Rights)
  • V-156 (Contingency fee)
  • V-157 (Foreigners whose residence permit requests were rejected)
  • V-158 ( Revocation of foreign representation staff/family member ID card)
  • V-159 (Foreigners entering Turkey for the purpose of transit to a third country)
  • G-26 (Activities of an illegal organization)
  • G-34 (Forgery)
  • G-42 (Drug offense)
  • G-43 (Smuggling offenses)
  • G-48 (Intermediation and providing a place for prostitution)
  • G-58 (Murder offenses)
  • G-64 (Threat)
  • G-65 (Theft)
  • G-66 (extortion and looting)
  • G-67 (Fraud)
  • G-78 (Foreigners with infectious diseases)
  • G-82 (Activity against national security of Turkey)
  • G-87 ( People who pose a danger to the public security)
  • C-101 (Violation of visa, visa exemption, residence, work permit / ban on entry for 3 months)
  • Ç-102 (Violation of visa, visa exemption, residence, work permit / ban on entry for 6 months)
  • C-103 (Violation of visa, visa exemption, residence, work permit / ban on entry for 1 year)
  • C-104 (Violation of visa, visa exemption, residence, work permit / ban on entry for 2 years)
  • C-104 (Violation of visa, visa exemption, residence, work permit / ban on entry for 5 years)
  • C-113 ( Those who illegally entered and left the Turkey)
  • Ç-114 (Foreigners against whom legal action has been taken)
  • C-115 (Foreigners who have been released from prison)
  • Ç-116 (Foreigners that endanger public morality and public health)
  • Ç-117 (Illegal workers)
  • Ç-118 (Revoked residence permit)
  • C-119 (Failure to pay the fine imposed for illegal work)
  • C-120 (Failure to pay the fine for a violation regarding visa or residence)
  • Ç-135 (Violators of the Law on Foreigners and International Protection)
  • Q-136 ( People who do not pay their traveling expenses)
  • Ç-137 (Foreigners called to leave)
  • Ç-138 (INAD passenger)
  • Ç-141 ( Deemed dangerous for international security)
  • Ç-149 ( Deemed dangerous for public security)
  • Ç-150 (Those attempting to enter Turkey with forged documents)
  • C-151 (Migrant smuggler/human trafficker)
  • Ç-152 (Foreigners precautionarily prevented from entering the Turkey)
  • Ç-166 (Entry is not based on a justified reason/no financial capacity)
  • Ç-167 ( Entry ban for 1 month in case of visa, residence or work permit violations within 3 to 6 months)
  • K ( Those wanted for smuggling)
  • N-82 (Foreigners whose entry into Turkey is subject to a preliminary permission)
  • N-95 (Fine for violating the ban on entry)
  • N-96 (Administrative fine for failure to exit from Turkey within the allocated time)
  • N-97 (Administrative fine concerning the address statement)
  • N-99 (Interpol code)
  • N-119 (Administrative fine of working without a permit)
  • N-120 (Administrative fine for visa, residence, work permit violations)
  • N-135 (Administrative fine concerning illegal entry or attempted entry into Turkey)
  • N-136 (Expenses for cross-border travel)
  • N-168 (Administrative fine for violation of subparagraph ç of Article 102)
  • N-169 (Administrative fine for failure to comply with administrative obligations determined by the Ministry)
  • N-170 (Administrative fines resulting from the Law on Misdemeanors or other related laws)
  • N-171 (Administrative fine for failure to fulfill established obligations)
  • N-172 ( Expenses for travel related to voluntary repatriation)
  • O-100 (Asylum Seeker with Unknown Address and Banned from Entering Turkey)
  • O-176 (Foreigners whose international protection request has been evaluated negatively – 3 years)
  • O-177 (Foreigners whose international protection request has been evaluated negatively – 5 years)

Now we will see some of them one by one.

Removal of the Restriction Codes For Foreigners in Turkey infographic

V Restriction Codes

V-68 (Residence permit subject to ministerial permission)

Foreigners with a V-68 code need ministerial approval to get a residence permit. For these foreigners, the process of getting a residence permit in Turkey is different from the usual process and they need additional permits.

V-69 ( Residence permit revoked)

V-69 is imposed on those who have gotten a residence permit in Turkey, which was later revoked as a result of non-compliance with the residence rules. For example, if the documents required for residence in Turkey are forged, there will be a V-69 restriction code and the person is not granted a residence permit for 5 years.

V-70 (Fake marriage)

Foreigners who engage in fake marriages for the purpose of getting a residence permit in Turkey, if detected, they will be subject to a V-70 restriction code and will be banned from entering into Turkey for up to 5 years.

V-71 (Foreigners who cannot be found at the address, who do not report the change of address, and who make false statements)

V-72 is the code imposed on foreigners who change the address they declared when getting a residence permit in Turkey and do not report this to the competent authorities, or who reside at an address which is different from the address they declared when getting a residence permit. This can be resolved by administrative appeal.

V-74 (Foreigners whose leave will be reported to the ministry/governorates)

V-74 is a restriction code for foreigners who must inform the ministry or governorate about their exit before they exit from Turkey This can be removed by administrative appeal or a lawsuit.

V-77 (Those who have applied even though they are not Meskhetian Turks)

If it is detected as a result of the relevant investigations that the person who applied by declaring that they are Meskhetian Turks is not a Meskhetian Turk, the V-77 restriction code is imposed so that they will not be able to apply as a Meskhetian Turk anymore.

V-84 ( Those who have entered under the condition of getting a residence permit in 10 days)

V-84 is imposed on foreign nationals who entered Turkey under the condition of getting a residence permit within 10 days, and if they do not apply to the foreigner offices to get a residence permit within 10 days, a temporary entry ban is imposed.

V-87 (Temporary protection holder who made a voluntary return)

V-87 is the restriction code for foreigners under temporary protection in Turkey and who voluntarily return to their country of origin.

V-88 (Foreigners whose work permit has been invalidated)

V-88 is imposed on foreigners with a work permit whose work permit has been revoked. According to the reasons for the work permit revocation, a fine or a ban on entry to Turkey can also be imposed. It should be settled through a annotated invitation, a new work permit application or an administrative action.

V-91 (Foreigners who are under the temporary protection and whose exit from the Turkey is subject to a permit)

V-91 is imposed on foreigners under temporary protection whose exit from the Turkey is subject to a permit. These foreigners must get a permit from the competent authorities before they leave the Turkey. This code can be removed by administrative appeal or a lawsuit.

V-92 (Foreigners with duplicate registration and under temporary protection)

V-92 code is for foreigners who are under temporary protection and for whom a double registration exists. If it is not corrected automatically, an administrative application for the correction of the double registration is necessary.

V-137 (Those ordered to leave Turkey)

For some foreigners against whom a deportation order has been issued, they are not deported immediately by force, instead a 15 day period is granted to them to leave Turkey. They must exit from Turkey within 15 days. After 15 days, if they are still in Turkey, an immediate deportation order is imposed on them and they will be banned from entering the Turkey. These foreigners are identified with the code V-137.

V-144 (Foreigners released under 57-A)

Some foreigners with a deportation order may be unable to return to their homeland or, in the case of a return, their life may be in danger. Under these circumstances, the foreigner may be deported to a third country. If this is not possible, the foreigner will not be deported and will be granted a humanitarian residence permit in Turkey. During this process, the person will be coded V-144. It could be removed through the annotated visa procedure.

V-146 ( Annotated Turkish passport)

V- 146 code is used to annotate the passports of some Turkish citizens against whom a legal action has been initiated. In some cases, their passport applications will not be concluded. This situation constitutes a violation of the law and an administrative appeal must be submitted and subsequently a lawsuit must be filed.

V-147 ( Spouse of a Turkish citizen whose passport is annotated)

Sometimes the passports of the spouses of people in the above-mentioned situation are annotated with the code V-147, and the same treatment is applied to these individuals. This constitutes a more serious violation of the law and an administrative appeal must be submitted, and subsequently a lawsuit must be filed.

V-148 (Person residing in a temporary accommodation center)

Some foreigners reside in temporary accommodation centers in accordance with the conditions of the case. These foreigners are identified with the code V-148. The code is an informational code and it can be removed by administrative application when the accommodation expires.

V-154 (Application to the administrative court against a deportation order)

As we will discuss below, a lawsuit against deportation order is filed before the administrative court. In this case, the person will not be deported. In this case, the person can be coded V-154. It is an information code and there is no disadvantage. This code will be removed at the end of the case.

V-157 (Foreigners whose residence permit requests were rejected)

The code V-157 is used to identify foreigners whose residence permit application has been rejected. To remove the code, it is required to apply for an annotated visa or to file a lawsuit before the administrative court against the decision of rejection of the residence application.

V-158 ( Revocation of foreign representation staff/family member ID card)

The ID cards of people who work in foreign representations or their family members may be revoked for several reasons. In such cases, the relevant person will be coded with V-158 restriction code. This code can be removed by administrative appeal or a lawsuit, depending on the reason for revocation.

V-159 (Foreigners entering Turkey for the purpose of transit to a third country)

The V-159 identifies those foreigners who are entering the Turkey for transit. It is an information code and there is no disadvantage for foreigners.

G Restriction Codes

G-26 (Activities of an illegal organization)

G-26 is the code that identifies foreigners who are involved or suspected of involvement with activities of an illegal organization. This code is only removed through a lawsuit.

G-34 (Forgery)

The code G-34 identifies foreigners who have committed or are suspected of committing forgery offenses. This code is only removed through a lawsuit.

G-42 (Drug offense)

The code G-42 identifies foreigners who have committed or are suspected of committing drug offenses. This code is only removed through a lawsuit.

G-43 (Smuggling offenses)

The code G-43 identifies foreigners who have committed or are suspected of committing smuggling offenses. This code is only removed through a lawsuit.

G-48 (Intermediation and providing a place for prostitution)

The code G-48 identifies foreigners who have committed or are suspected of committing to Intermediation and providing a place for prostitution. This code is only removed through a lawsuit.

G-58 (Murder offenses)

The code G-58 identifies foreigners who have committed or are suspected of committing murder offenses. This code is only removed through a lawsuit.

G-64 (Threat)

The code G-64 identifies foreigners who have committed or are suspected of committing offense of threat. This code is only removed through a lawsuit.

G-65 (Theft)

The code G-65 identifies foreigners who have committed or are suspected of committing theft. This code is only removed through a lawsuit.

G-66 (extortion and looting)

The code G-66 identifies foreigners who have committed or are suspected of committing extortion and looting. This code is only removed through a lawsuit.

G-67 (Fraud)

The code G-65 identifies foreigners who have committed or are suspected of committing fraud offences. This code is only removed through a lawsuit.

G-78 (Foreigners with infectious diseases)

Foreigners with infectious diseases are identified by the G-78 restriction code and their entry into Turkey is banned permanently. However, if there has been a misdiagnosis or if the foreigner has been successfully treated and regained their health, the entry ban to Turkey will be removed after an application process. It is important to consult a lawyer about whether this will be done through an administrative application or through a lawsuit

G-82 (Activity against Turkish national security)

The code G-82 identifies foreigners who are involved in, or suspected of being involved in activities against Turkish national security. This code is similar to the G-87 code that we will discuss below. It can be based on intel info like this. This code is only removed through a lawsuit.

G-87 ( People who pose a danger to the public security)

The foreigners can be identified with the G-87 restriction code based on some sources such as police and national intelligence organizations, and these foreigners will be deported.

In practice, intelligence reports are usually written haphazardly and in most cases they are not based on any actual findings. In most cases, the intelligence service generates a report about the foreigner only based on suspicion and reports this to the Immigration Authority. In these cases, it is possible to remove this code by filing a lawsuit.

Moreover, the deportation of some foreigners, who are identified with the code G-87, endangers their lives in their homelands. In a previous case before the Turkish Constitutional Court, this procedure was nullified on the grounds that the life of the foreigner identified with the G-87 restriction code would be endangered if the foreigner were deported and that the foreigner did not pose a direct danger to general security.

Ç Restriction Codes

C-101 (Violation of visa, visa exemption, residence, work permit / ban on entry for 3 months)

The code Ç-101, identifies foreigners who violate visa, visa exemption, residence permit and work permit regulations. These people are also fined and banned from entering to the Turkey. It can be settled with an annotated visa or through a lawsuit and also the ban on entering into Turkey will be removed.

Ç-102 (Violation of visa, visa exemption, residence, work permit / ban on entry for 6 months)

The code Ç-102, identifies foreigners who violate visa, visa exemption, residence permit and work permit regulations. These people are also fined and banned from entering to the Turkey. It can be settled with an annotated visa or through a lawsuit and also the ban on entering into Turkey will be removed.

C-103 (Violation of visa, visa exemption, residence, work permit / ban on entry for 1 year)

The code Ç-103, identifies foreigners who violate visa, visa exemption, residence permit and work permit regulations. These people are also fined and banned from entering to the Turkey. It can be settled with an annotated visa or through a lawsuit and also the ban on entering into Turkey will be removed.

C-104 (Violation of visa, visa exemption, residence, work permit / ban on entry for 2 years)

The code Ç-104, identifies foreigners who violate visa, visa exemption, residence permit and work permit regulations. These people are also fined and banned from entering to the Turkey. It can be settled with an annotated visa or through a lawsuit and also the ban on entering into Turkey will be removed.

C-104 (Violation of visa, visa exemption, residence, work permit / ban on entry for 5 years)

The code Ç-105, identifies foreigners who violate visa, visa exemption, residence permit and work permit regulations. These people are also fined and banned from entering to the Turkey. It can be settled with an annotated visa or through a lawsuit and also the ban on entering into Turkey will be removed.

C-113 ( Those who illegally entered and left the Turkey)

The foreigners who illegally enter Turkey are identified with the restriction code Ç-113 and they are banned from entering Turkey for 2 years and also imposed an administrative fine. If the foreigner pays the administrative fine, they will not be allowed to enter Turkey for only 2 years, but if the administrative fine is not paid, they will be banned from entering Turkey for 5 years in addition to the 2 year period.

Since an administrative fine is also an administrative act, it is accessible to judicial remedy. It is necessary to file a lawsuit in the right court at the right time.

Ç-114 (Foreigners against whom legal action has been taken)

If the foreigner is faced with any judicial action during their stay in Turkey, they will be banned from entering Turkey for 1 year, regardless of whether they are convicted or not. It can be resolved by administrative action.

C-115 (Foreigners who have been released from prison)

Foreigners who have committed a crime and completed their imprisonment in Turkey will be banned from entering Turkey for 1 year. It can be resolved by administrative action.

Ç-116 (Foreigners that endanger public morality and public health)

Foreigners who violate public morality or endanger public health will be banned to re-enter Turkey for 1 year.

Sometimes foreign females taken from entertainment places such as bars, nightclubs, etc. by law enforcers and the enforcers write to the arrest report that ‘it is considered that she came to the place with the intention to commit prostitution’. On the basis of this report alone, the residence or work permits of foreign women may be revoked and foreigners may be deported for this reason.

Unfortunately, we encounter many such examples in practice, despite the fact that there is no prostitution at all. We have been receiving positive results in the lawsuits we have filed on this issue.

Ç-117 (Illegal workers)

Foreigners who work in Turkey illegally are identified with the restriction code Ç-117 and they are banned from re-entering Turkey for 1 year. In addition, an administrative fine is imposed. It can be resolved through the annotated visa.

Ç-118 (Revoked residence permit)

Foreigners who get a residence permit in Turkey are banned from entering Turkey for 5 years with the restriction code Ç-118 when it is detected that they use their residence permit for different purposes. It is possible to re-enter Turkey with an annotated visa.

C-119 (Failure to pay the fine imposed for illegal work)

If the foreigners who work illegally in Turkey do not pay the imposed administrative fine when they exit Turkey, they are identified with the restriction code Ç-119 and they are banned to enter Turkey for 5 years. This can be resolved through the annotated visa.

C-120 (Failure to pay the fine for a violation regarding visa or residence)

Foreigners who violate their visa or residence permit and fail to pay the administrative fine when exiting Turkey will be identified with the restriction code Ç-120 and they will be banned from re-entering Turkey for a period of 5 years. As explained above, the sanctions that will be imposed in case of visa violation have been diversified under the new regulation. Since visa violation is a comprehensive issue, we have published a detailed article on this separately. We have provided the relevant link above.

Ç-135 (Violators of the Law on Foreigners and International Protection)

Foreigners who violate the Law on Foreigners and International Protection are imposed administrative fines. Foreigners who failed to pay this fine are identified with the restriction code Ç-135 and they are banned from entering Turkey for 5 years. It is possible to remove the code through an annotated visa.

Q-136 ( People who do not pay their traveling expenses)

In the event that foreigners are unable to afford their travel expenses during deportation, the costs will be paid by the Republic of Turkey, this foreigners are identified with the restriction code Ç-136 and it is requested to pay these expenses so that they can re-enter the Republic of Turkey.

Ç-137 (Foreigners called to leave)

Foreigners who are called to leave Turkey within a determined duration by the Immigration Administration are identified with the restriction code Ç-137 and they are banned from entering Turkey for 5 years if they do not exit from Turkey within this duration. It is possible to re-enter Turkey with an annotated visa. In addition, the foreigner can file a lawsuit in the administrative court and may not leave Turkey at all.

Ç-138 (INAD passenger)

Foreigners who are banned from entering Turkey and who are detected while entering the Turkey are identified with the restriction code Ç-138 and they may be banned to enter Turkey for up to 5 years. According to the situation, a lawsuit might be necessary.

Ç-141 (Foreigner whose entrance to Turkey is subject to ministerial permission)

The restriction code Ç 141 identifies a foreigner whose entry into Turkey is banned by the “MINISTRY OF INTERIOR AFFAIRS” due to a judicial or administrative law violation that the foreigner has committed against Turkey in or outside of Turkey. It is the restriction code imposed by the Migration Management based on intelligence information received during deportation from Turkey or before entering the Turkey. The foreigner must get a permit from the ministry to enter Turkey. If permission is not granted, it is possible to pursue various legal remedies depending on the response of the ministry.

However, as in the case of the code N-82, in practice this permission is almost never granted. This is one of the implementations of the entry ban. In practice, it is not possible to enter Turkey until a lawsuit is filed and the code is revoked.

Ç-150 (Those attempting to enter Turkey with forged documents)

The code Ç-150 identifies those foreigners who have submitted forged documents during their entry into Turkey. This code can be removed with an annotated visa or in some cases through a lawsuit.

C-151 (Migrant smuggler/human trafficker)

The code Ç-151 identifies foreigners who have committed or are suspected of committing the migrant smuggling/human trafficking. This code is only removed through a lawsuit.

Ç-152 (Foreigners precautionarily prevented from entering the Turkey)

The code Ç-152 identifies foreigners who are precautionarily prevented from entering the Turkey. This code can be removed with an annotated visa or through a lawsuit.

Ç-166 (Entry is not based on a justified reason/no financial capacity)

The restriction code Ç-166 is a code that identifies foreigners who do not have a legitimate reason for their entry when getting a visa or entering Turkey, or even if they have a reason, who do not have sufficient financial capacity for the duration of their residence. This code can be removed with an annotated visa.

K Restriction Codes

K ( Those wanted for smuggling)

The restriction code K usually identifies foreigners who have committed smuggling offenses and against whom a warrant has been issued. This code doesn’t always ban entry into Turkey. It may even prevent exit from Turkey.

N Restriction Codes

N-82 (Foreigners whose entry into Turkey is subject to a preliminary permission)

The foreigner identified with the restriction code N-82 must get preliminary permission to enter Turkey. However, in practice this permission is almost never granted. This is one of the implementations of the entry ban. In practice, it is not possible to enter Turkey until a lawsuit is filed and the code is revoked.

N-99 (Interpol code)

The N-99 code identifies a foreigner who has been issued an Interpol search warrant by their own country or by a member state of the Interpol system. These types of codes may also result in an entry ban to Turkey. The power of discretion to impose a ban on entry into Turkey belongs to the Republice of Turkey. Although this code is a strict code, it has been removed so many times by Mıhcı Law Firm.

O Restriction Codes

O-100 (Asylum Seeker with Unknown Address and Banned from Entering Turkey)

The code O-100 identifies the asylum seeker with unknown address and banned from entering Turkey. Asylum seekers who are detected as not being at the address they stated when applying as an asylum seeker to the Provincial Directorates of Migration Management in Turkey, and who are banned from entering the country, are identified with the O-100 restriction code when they are deported from Turkey.

O-176 (Foreigners whose international protection request has been evaluated negatively – 3 years)

Foreigners who request international protection will be evaluated to determine whether they are eligible for this protection status. If the evaluation result is negative, the foreigner will be identified with this code. İdari başvuru sonrasında dava yoluna gidilebilir.

O-177 (Foreigners whose international protection request has been evaluated negatively – 5 years)

Foreigners who request international protection will be evaluated to determine whether they are eligible for this protection status. If the evaluation result is negative, the foreigner will be identified with this code. İdari başvuru sonrasında dava yoluna gidilebilir.

How to Remove Restriction Codes for Foreigners in Turkey?

As we explained above, there are different restriction codes imposed on foreigners for different reasons and as a consequence, the period of re-entry into Turkey vary. The restriction codes can be removed through the administrative court and in some cases through an administrative application or an annotated visa invitation. In this regard, it is very important to consult a lawyer in terms of legal remedies. Because each restriction code has its own legal remedy.

Administrative Action for the Removal of the Restriction Code

Individuals against whom a deportation order has been issued and a restriction code has been imposed may file a lawsuit before the administrative court within the prescribed time and request the annulment of the restriction code order. For each restriction code, it will require a different procedure and a different defense in the lawsuit.

If there is a foreigner with a restriction code and against whom a deportation order has been issued , it would be most reasonable to file a lawsuit on behalf of this foreigner for the revocation of the deportation order as soon as possible. If an action for annulment is filed against the deportation order, the result of the action for annulment against the deportation of the person is waited for deportation. This means that if a lawsuit is filed, the foreigner will not be deported until the lawsuit is concluded.

IMPORTANT!: It is important to file the lawsuit at the right time and to work with a lawyer who is experienced and qualified in foreigners law. There are some firms that claim that they provide legal services to foreigners under the name of consultancy firms. However, the representation service in lawsuits is a service which can only be provided by lawyers.

Annotated Invitation Application and Administrative Application for the Removal of the Restriction Code

Under a number of rare circumstances, the removal of a restriction code requires just an administrative application. We recommend that you consult a lawyer to find out under which circumstances the restriction code can be removed merely by administrative application.

An annotated visa invitation may be used to remove the foreigner’s ban to enter Turkey. If the purpose section of the visa includes statements such as treatment, family reunification, education, work, official duty, tourism, etc., this visa will be called an annotated visa. An annotated visa ensures that foreigners who are banned from entering Turkey can legally enter the country. The annotated visa process is usually concluded within 1 month.

In our article titled How to Remove the Deportation Order, we provided detailed information about the annotated visa invitation. You can get detailed information about how to remove a deportation order from our article titled How to Remove a Deportation Order.

Frequently Asked Questions and Short Answers

Tahdit kodu nedir?

Tahdit kodu, yabancı hakkında bazı durumlarda yalnızca bilgilendirici bazı durumlarda ise yabancının ülkeye giriş yasağının veya deport sebebinin ne sebepten kaynaklandığını belirten koda denir.

Tahdit kodunun kaldırılması sonrası yabancı Türkiye’ye girebilir mi?

Evet. Eğer yabancının başkaca bir Türkiye’ye giriş yasağı yok ise, giriş yasağı koyan kod kaldırıldıktan sonra giriş mümkündür.

Tahdit kodunun kaldırılması davası ne kadar sürer?

Tahdit koduna karşı açılacak olan dava yaklaşık 1 sene civarında sürebilmektedir. Yürütmenin durdurulması kararı ise genelde 20-30 gün içerisinde alınmaktadır.

Deport kararı verilen yabancı iptal için dava açarsa sınır dışı edilir mi?

Hayır. Hakkında deport kararı verilen yabancı süresi içerisinde idare mahkemesinde dava açar ise deport kararı dava bitene kadar uygulanmaz. Dava kazanılır ise karar tamamen kalkar.

Meşruhatlı vize nedir?

Vizenin amaç bölümünde tedavi, aile birleşimi, eğitim, çalışma, resmi görev, turizm gibi ifadelerin yer aldığı vizelere meşruhatlı vize denir. Meşruhatlı vize, Türkiye’ye giriş yasağı bulunan yabancıların ülkeye yasal olarak giriş yapmasını sağlar.

Meşruhatlı vize başvurusu ne kadar sürer?

Başvuru, meşruhatlı vize başvurusunun türüne bağlı olarak 1-2 ay civarında sürmektedir.

Consequently, it is possible to revoke the restriction codes and deportation orders. We recommend you to consult an experienced lawyer in the subject to prevent the loss of rights and to ensure a successful result.