Category: Inheritance Law

inheritance lawInheritance law, in general terms, regulates how and to whom a person’s property, which does not end with death and has an asset value, will be transferred after his death. Inheritance arrangements basically protect property rights. Due to its importance, the right of inheritance is a constitutionally recognized right. Article 35 of the Constitution, which is the most basic norm, stipulates that everyone can have the right to inherit and this right can only be limited by law based on the public interest.

Provisions to be applied in disputes regarding inheritance law are included in articles 495 – 682 of the Turkish Civil Code. The Turkish Civil Code and therefore the inheritance law applied today were quoted from the Swiss Civil Code. Today, the Turkish inheritance law system is based on the group system. Accordingly, the inheritance will be shared according to the clan system and the inheritance will not be left in the middle in any way.

Inheritance law regulates all kinds of situations that come into contact with the death of the inheritor and the transfer of his property. Accordingly, things to be done before death, such as regulating the consequences of death before the decedent’s death, preparing a will, removing the person he does not want from the inheritance, making an inheritance contract, appointing an enforcer of the will, and disposing of the savings quorum, are included in the law of inheritance. It also covers who is entitled to the inheritance as a universal successor with the death of the inheritor, what the inheritance shares will be, how the inheritance will be managed, the rejection of the inheritance, the waiver of the inheritance and most importantly, the calculation of criticism (who will receive how much value). Finally, the inheritance provisions come to an end with the liquidation process and the distribution of the goods.

Inheritance law is closely related to the right to property and big lawsuits arise from it. At this point, sometimes it may be necessary to open several different lawsuits and perform more than one transaction in order to share. The inheritance sharing process is often difficult. For this reason, it will always be in the interests of people to manage the process by an experienced inheritance lawyer or to continue with the legal advice of an expert inheritance lawyer.

Our Inheritance Law Articles

We aim to inform the reader by adding some of the most frequently asked questions about inheritance law to our office, which we try to answer, and which we encounter frequently in practice, in different articles. You can find these articles here.

	Inheritance Lawyer in Istanbul