400 bin dolara gayrimenkul alarak türk vatandaşlığı

Turkish Citizenship by Real Estate for 400 Thousand Dollars

Buying a real estate worth of 400 thousand dollars to get a Turkish citizenship is a common legal way. Because it has legal adjustments and the process through it’s practise, it has a legal ground.

In our article we mentioned the stages, conditions and it’s opportunities about the process for getting a Turkish citizenship by real estate for 400 thousand Dollars. We answered frequently asked questions. We suggest that you read it carefully since it is an important topic.

What is Getting a Turkish Citizenship by Real Estate for 400 Thousand Dollars

Buying a real estate for at least 400 thousand dollars and assuring that it cannot be sold within 3 years time by putting an annotation from the land registration is the way of “Getting a Turkish Citizenship With Buying a Real Estate For 400 thousand Dollars” for a foreigner.

It’s fundamental arrangements are in the Turkish Citizenship Law article 12 numbered 5091 and in the regulations in the official newspaper numbered 27544 for the Turkish Citizenship Law’s practice in the article 20. The adjustments that were made in 12th of May 2022 also have an important place.

We prepared our article according to the legal adjustments we mentioned about getting a citizenship in Turkey with 400 thousand dollars.

Essentially getting a Turkish citizenship with a way of 400 thousand dollars is in the category of “exceptional way of getting a Turkish citizenship.”

IMPORTANT: Getting a Turkish citizenship for 400 thousand dollars worth house has a process that has a serious legal ground. It has important technical details. The administration board has constantly changing politics about this way of getting a Turkish Citizenship. For that reason, tracking the process with a lawyer’s help has an importance. Working in Istanbul and it’s area “Foreigner Lawyer in Istanbul” and for working in Ankara and it’s area “Foreigner Lawyer in Ankara” prevents legal mistakes and omissions.

Conditions to get a Turkish Citizenship by Real Estate for 400 Thousand Dollars

The conditions for 400 thousand dollars citizenship are in the legislation’s arrangements like we mentioned above. We can list the conditions like this;

  • For the foreigner to have no inconveniences in national safety and public order,
  • Buying at least 400.000 dollars worth of real estate,
  • Putting an annotation in the land registration to promise that real estate can not be sold in 3 years time,

are the three conditions And of course, the real estate that a foreigner could buy has to provide some necessary qualifications. In other words, foreigner’s realty buying should ensure the conditions. In respect to this, you can read our article titled “Conditions for Foreigners To Buy Houses and Landed property in Turkey”.

IMPORTANT: Before 13th May 2022 arrangements the minimum price for getting a Turkish citizenship was 250.000 dollars. In the past adjustments that price went up to 400.000 dollars. This new number came to life in 13th of June 2022.

How To Get a Turkish Citizenship with Buying A Real Estate?

Primarily, to get a citizenship with buying 400.000 worth of real estate;

  • The possibility to get a Turkish citizenship for the foreigner should be evaluated. It should be looked into whether the person provides the conditions that are generally seeked.
  • If a foreigner has an easier way of getting a Turkish citizenship, that way should be pursued. If there are no easier ways, getting a citizenship with buying 400.000 dollars of realty should get started.
  • First, buying the realty gets done. Then the process for putting necessary annotations for the deed gets done. The immovable should be compatible with the citizenship.
  • After that the essential documents gets readied. We mentioned the essential documents down below.
  • Making an application in the Provincial Immigration Administration for a short-term residence permit. Then making an application in General Directorate and Population and Citizenship Affairs with documents and it’s additions for Turkish citizenship.
  • The state of the application is tracked throughout the process, missing documents or necessary data’s get collected. In the end, the outcome of the application gets reported to the applicant or it’s lawyer.
  • Like we are going to mention below, if an application gets denied, it is possible to open a lawsuit for the cancellation of an administrative act.

WARNING: Even if all the conditions we mentioned above are done, there is technically a slight chance for your application could be denied. Because someone to get a citizenship in Turkey is related to the government’s rights of independence. For that reason, the tracking of the process should be complete, and it should be according to the current government policy. At this point, the best thing to do is to work with an experienced foreigner law lawyer.

Frequently Asked Questions About Foreigners Buying Real Estate in Turkey

We mentioned about the legal adjustments and the process about getting a citizenship with buying 400.000 dollars worth of house. According to this, we wanted to answer some of the most asked questions.

Gayrimenkul Alımı ile Türk Vatandaşlığı Süreci Ne Kadar Sürer?

Gayrimenkul alımı ile Türk vatandaşlığı alma süreci ortalama 8-9 ay civarında sürmektedir. Taşınmazın satın alınıp şerh konulması süreci 1-2 ay sürmekte, sonrasında başvuru yapılıp 7-8 aylık değerlendirme süreci söz konusu olmaktadır.

400 Bin Dolarlık Taşınmaz Yabancıdan Alınabilir mi?

Vatandaşlık kazanmak için satın alınacak olan taşınmaz, başka bir yabancıdan satın alınmış olmamalıdır. Yani muhakkak bir Türk vatandaşı yahut tüzel kişisinden satın alınmış bir taşınmaz söz konusu olmalıdır.

Gayrimenkul Alarak Vatandaşlık Masrafı Ne Kadardır?

Gayrimenkul alarak Türk vatandaşlığını kazanma süreci yekpare bir süreç değildir. Çeşitli aşamaları içerir. Bu süreçte çeşitli harç ve masraf kalemleri söz konusu olur. 2023 yılı için güncellenmiş olan bu masraf kalemlerinin nasıl bir tutara karşılık geldiğini öğrenmek için avukata danışmakta fayda vardır. Çünkü somut olaya göre değişkenlik arz edebilmektedir.

Ev Alarak Vatandaşlık Başvurusunda Gerekli Evraklar Nelerdir?

400 bin dolarak taşınmaz satın alma süreci bir çok aşamadan oluşur. Aşamalarda gereken evraklar; başvuru formu, menşe ülkeden alınan kimlik belgesi, evli ise evlilik belgesi, çocuklar var ise bunların kimlik belgeleri, vesikalık ve biyometrik fotoğraf, kısa dönem ikamet iznine ilişkin belge, yabancının ve eşi ile çocuklarının yeminli tercüman tarafından çevrilmiş ve noterce onaylanmış pasaport tercümesi, taşınmazın satın alındığına ve 3 yıl satılamaz şerhi konulduğuna dair tapu evrakları şeklinde sıralanabilir. 

Ev Alarak Vatandaşlık Avukatlık Ücreti Ne Kadardır?

400 bin dolara ev alarak vatandaşlık kazanma sürecinde avukat ücreti somut başvurunun kapsamına göre değişmektedir. Yabancının aile için de süreç işletilip işletilmeyeceği, ikamet izni, taşınmazın değeri, yabancının hukuki statüsü vb. bir çok unsur sürecin zorluğu ve koyalığını etkileyeceği için avukatlık ücreti de ona göre değişir. Bu noktada avukata sormak yararlı olacaktır.

Gayrimenkul Alımı ile Vatandaşlık Başvurusu Reddedilirse Ne Yapılır?

Gayrimenkul alımı ile vatandaşlık başvurusunun reddi halinde iptal davası açma imkanı vardır. Vatandaşlık başvurusunun reddi, bir idari işlem olduğu için buna karşı idare mahkemesinde 60 günlük süre içerisinde idari işlemin iptali davası açılabilir.

400 Bin Dolara Gayrimenkul Alarak Türk Vatandaşlığı Kazanma Kararını Kim Verir?

Bu süreçte, kısa dönem ikamet izni kararı “İl Göç İdaresi” tarafından verilir. En az 400 bin dolar karşılığı taşınmaz satın alma şartının sağlanıp sağlanmadığı konusundaki onayı “Çevre ve Şehircilik Bakanlığı” verir. “Nüfus ve Vatandaşlık İşleri Genel Müdürlüğü” tarafından vatandaşlık başvurusu değerlendirildikten sonra vatandaşlık kazanma kararını “Cumhurbaşkanı” verir.

Yabancı Kişi Türkiye’ye Gelmeden Taşınmaz Satın Alabilir mi?

Türkiye’den gayrimenkul alma işlemleri vekaletname ile gerçekleştirilebilir. Bu nedenle yabancının Türkiye’de bulunması şart değildir.

Gayrimenkul Alarak Vatandaşlık Kazanma Eşi ve Çocukları Kapsar mı?

Bir yabancının 400 bin dolara gayrimenkul alarak vatandaşlık kazanması, eşe ve çocuğa sirayet eder. Yani hem yabancı kişinin eşi hem de ergin olmayan çocukları Türk vatandaşlığını bu şekilde kazanmış olurlar.

As a Result: Important Parts to Pay Attention

In our article we mentioned about the process about getting a citizenship for 400.000 dollars worth of real estate in Turkey. As it is seen there is an important legal ground. In here there some information to look out for if you are a foreigner wishing to have a citizenship; According to this:

  • The foreigner should know that the realty cannot be sold in 3 years time, after purchasing it.
  • In this time foreigner should stay away from any kind of contrary activities and sayings that are against Turkish Citizenship.
  • Getting a citizenship in Turkey with buying a real estate is important for one’s spouse and children are included. For this chance to not go waste the process should be keep tracked with daintiness.
  • The foreigner and it’s family who wants to have a Turkish citizenship goes through an interview. In this verbal meeting, it is checked whether the family is right or not for being a citizen.
  • There are some necessary information about buying a realty for 400.000 dollars. There are serious con artists going around that is why, one should be careful. Even if the realty is over 400.000 dollars, a person may be sometimes not a proper fit. According to the list that ministries publish each year, some city’s neighbourhoods aren’t proper to purchase for getting citizenship. Because a neighborhood’s %10 could be bought by foreigners in Turkey. That is the reason to investigate the realty before purchasing it and then starting the process. That is called legal preliminary consideration and it must be done by an experienced lawyer.

As we have mentioned above, in order to complete the process of getting a Turkish citizenship by purchasing real estate for 400 thousand dollars, it is necessary to ask a lawyer before anything else.