istanbul miras avukatı

Inheritance Lawyer in Istanbul

The activities of the inheritance lawyer in Istanbul are conducted by the lawyers of Mıhcı Law Firm who are highly experienced in inheritance law cases.

In the following sections, we have discussed the fees, contact information, role and significance in the process of the inheritance lawyer in Istanbul and answer the frequently asked questions. We kindly suggest reading them carefully.

Inheritance Lawyer Activities in Istanbul

Lawyers in Istanbul of Mıhcı Law Firm provide inheritance lawyer services to their clients from their law office in Mecidiyeköy, Istanbul.

The activities of Mıhcı Law Firm inheritance lawyer in Istanbul can be listed as follows in general:

  • Portion of the inheritance,
  • Legal processes such as interim injunction, annotation, contract, etc. for the prevention of inheritance evasion,
  • Process and proceedings of disclaimer of inheritance,
  • Proceedings for renunciation of inheritance,
  • Drafting, execution and annulment proceedings for the testament,
  • Disinheritance proceedings,
  • Obtaining the certificate of inheritance, and lawsuit against the certificate of inheritance,
  • Lawsuit for the detection of heritage assets,
  • The proceeding for the transfer of the inheritance share to another person,
  • Lawsuits for such as elimination of joint ownership, annulment of disposal in case of inheritance evasion, etc,
  • Drafting, implementation and enforcement of the contract for lifelong support and the lawsuits arising therefrom.

Those mentioned above are the most common inheritance law cases in Istanbul. In addition to these, the inheritance lawyer in Istanbul also conducts other inheritance law activities efficiently.

Contact Information of Inheritance Lawyer in Istanbul

Address of Mıhcı Law Istanbul Office: Ortaklar Avenue. No: 14, Floor: 4, Apartment: 7, Mecidiyeköy Şişli / Istanbul.

Phone Number of Inheritance Lawyer in Istanbul: +90 (212) 909 19 94

E-Mail Address: [email protected]

Office Hours: 09.00 – 19.00 on weekdays (For appointments out of working hours, you can contact our office directly.)

Fees of Inheritance Lawyers in Istanbul

The fee of inheritance lawyer in Istanbul is determined between the client and the inheritance lawyer freely. The fee will be determined by the value of the lawsuit, in which stage the dispute is at, how long the dispute will last, what kind of procedures will be conducted, etc.

Furthermore, the advisory lawyer’s fee tariff of the Istanbul Bar Association is also important for the determination of the fee. The inheritance lawyer fee in Istanbul is usually determined by this tariff. But this tariff is not binding upon lawyers. This tariff is solely advisory and for guidance.

This means that the inheritance lawyer fee in Istanbul may be above or below the fees in the table below. For clarification on this issue, you should ask an inheritance lawyer in Istanbul.

2022 inheritance lawyer fee in Istanbul is stated in the advisory tariff of Istanbul Bar Association as follows:

Obtaining the certificate of inheritance,10.500,00 TL,
Lawsuit for the elimination of joint ownership10% of the amount inherited by the client, but not less than 25.000,00 TL,
Interim injunction on heritage,15.000,00 TL,
Renunciation of the inheritance,15.000,00 TL,
Appointing a representative to a company or community of heirs,15.000,00 TL,
Bookkeeping in inheritance,10% of the value of the lawsuit, but not less than 20.000,00 TL,
Cancellation of the certificate of inheritance,15.000,00 TL,
Lawsuits for cancelmant and hotchpot,15% of the value based on the decision fee, not less than 38.000,00 TL,
Lawsuits for cancellation and registration of title deeds,15% of the value of the lawsuit, but not less than 44.000,00 TL,
Action for annulment of testament,15% of the value of the lawsuit, but not less than 44.000,00 TL,
Action for pre-emption,15% of the value of the lawsuit, but not less than 38.000,00 TL,
Action for adequate pay15% of the value of the lawsuit, but not less than 31.000,00 TL
Lawsuits for cancellation of disposal,15% of the value of the lawsuit, but not less than 25.500 TL,
Drafting a written warning, notice, certificate of protest,8.000,00 TL,
Drafting contracts of inheritance, exception, allotment,38.000,00 TL,
Any other contract, e.g. contract for lifelong support, etc,22.000,00 TL,
Drafting a testament,22.000,00 TL.

Frequently Asked Questions

Above, we have mentioned about the fees, contact information and activities of inheritance lawyer in Istanbul. However, we also find it useful to answer some frequently asked questions.

İstanbul Miras Davaları Masrafı Ne Kadardır?

İstanbul’da miras davalarının süresi somut olaya göre değişir. Bunları örnek vermek gerekirse;

Vasiyetname hazırlama, sözleşme hazırlama vs. işlemler: 2 gün ile 2 hafta arası,
Tasarrufun iptali, tapu iptal – tescil, izalei şüyu, tenkis davaları: 1 yıl ile 3 yıl arası,
Ecrimisil, önalım vb. davalar: 1 yıl ile 2 yıl arası,
Reddi miras, terekeye ihtiyati tedbir konulması: 3 gün ile 1 ay arası
Mirasçılık belgesinin alınması: Noterde hemen yapılır, dava yolu gerekirse 3 ay ile 1 yıl arası

Tabii ki burada yer verdiğimiz süreler her dava ve her uyuşmazlık için aynı olmayabilir. Bazı dava ve hukuki işlerde diğer mirasçılara ulaşmak mümkün olmayabilir. Bu tür durumlarda ilanen tebliğ yoluna gidilir. Bu tür işlemler süreleri uzatabilir. Ancak her halükarda İstanbul miras avukatı yardımı almak süre anlamında olumlu sonuç doğurur.

İstanbul Miras Davaları Masrafı Ne Kadardır?

İstanbul’da miras davası masrafları, davanın hangi mahkemede görüldüğüne ve hangi iş türü olduğuna göre değişir. Bunlar mahkeme veznesine ödenecek harç ve giderlerdir. Bunlara örnek vermek gerekirse; Tapu iptal tescil, alım, şufa, izalei şüyu, tenkis vb. davalarda:

Başvuru Harcı: 37 TL
Peşin Harç: Dava değerinin binde 68,31 TL’sidir. Ancak bu davalar çoğunlukla 
belirsiz alacak davası olarak açılır.
Maktu Harç: 80,70 TL (davada ya peşin harç gerekir ya maktu harç gerekir)
Tebligat Gideri: 260 TL
Vekalet Suret Harcı: 11.5 TL
Bilirkişi Ücreti: 290 TL (özel nitelikli bilirkişi incelemelerinde daha yüksek çıkabilir)
Keşif Gideri: 671.9 TL
Tanık Gideri: 40 TL (tanık başı)
Diğer İş Ve İşlemler: 130 TL

Bunların çoğu İstanbul miras davalarında başlangıçta mahkemeye ödenen harç ve giderlerdir. Sadece bilirkişi ücreti, keşif ve tanık gideri gibi masraf kalemleri, dava sürerken o işlemin sırası geldiğinde istenir ve ödenir.

Bunların dışında; veraset ilamı alınması, ölünceye kadar bakma sözleşmesi, yazılı vasiyetname vb. işler için İstanbul Noterlerinde harç ve gider çıkmaktadır. Bunlar da sözleşmenin değerine göre değişmekle birlikte ortalama 300 TL ile 5000 TL arasında değişmektedir.

İstanbul Miras Avukatı Ücreti Nasıl Belirlenir?

İstanbul miras avukatı ücreti belirlenirken bazı unsurlara bakılır. Bunlar: İstanbul Barosu tavsiye niteliğindeki ücret tarifesi, işin kapsamı, türü, tahmini ne kadar süreceği, yapılacak işlerin çeşitliliği vb. unsurlardır. Tüm bu unsurlar birarada değerlendirlir ve somut olayın özelliğine göre İstanbul Barosu tarifesinin üstünde veya altında bir ücrette anlaşma yapılır. 

İstanbul Miras Avukatı Ücreti Ne Zaman Ödenir?

İstanbul miras avukatı ücreti bazı dava ve işlerde henüz başlangıçta peşin olarak alınır. Bazı dava ve işlerde ise taksitler halinde alınır. Ancak çoğu miras davasında başlangıçta bir miktar peşinat alındıktan sonra dava sonunda kazanılan miktara göre belirli bir yüzde (belirli bir oran) almak üzere anlaşma yapılır. Detaylı bilgi için İstanbul miras avukatına danışılmalıdır.

İstanbul En İyi Miras Avukatı Nasıl Bulunur?

İstanbul en iyi miras avukatı şeklinde bir kullanım, avukatlar arasında yaygın değildir. Zira bu isimlendirme Türkiye Barolar Birliği’nin meslek etiği kurallarına aykırıdır. 

Ancak halk arasında miras hukukunda uzmanlaşmış ve deneyim sahibi avukatlar için İstanbul en iyi miras avukatı şeklinde yakıştırma yapıldığı görülür. Mıhcı Hukuk Bürosu, kurulmasından bu yana miras davalarına ve miras hukuku işlerine yoğun bir şekilde bakmaktadır.

In Which Court Are Inheritance Lawsuits Held in Istanbul?

Inheritance lawsuits and inheritance law proceedings in Istanbul are conducted in different judicial authorities. We can explain them with a table:

Obtaining the certificate of inheritance,Notary Publics in Istanbul for undisputed cases, and Civil Courts of Peace in Istanbul for disputed cases,
Lawsuit for the elimination of joint ownershipCivil Courts of Peace in Istanbul,
Interim injunction on heritage,Civil Courts of Peace in Istanbul,
Renunciation of the inheritance,Civil Courts of Peace in Istanbul,
Appointing a representative to a company or community of heirs,Civil Courts of Peace in Istanbul,
Bookkeeping in inheritance,Civil Courts of Peace in Istanbul,
Cancellation of the certificate of inheritance,Civil Courts of First Instance in Istanbul,
Lawsuits for cancelmant and hotchpot,Civil Courts of First Instance in Istanbul
Lawsuits for cancellation and registration of title deeds,Civil Courts of First Instance in Istanbul
Action for annulment of testament,Civil Courts of First Instance in Istanbul
Action for pre-emption,Civil Courts of First Instance in Istanbul
Action for adequate payCivil Courts of First Instance in Istanbul
Lawsuits for cancellation of disposal,Civil Courts of First Instance in Istanbul
Drafting a written warning, notice, certificate of protest,Notaries Public in Istanbul
Drafting contracts of inheritance, exception, allotment,Notaries Public in Istanbul
Any other contract, e.g. contract for lifelong support, etc,Notaries Public in Istanbul,
Drafting a testament,Notaries Public in Istanbul.

What Does an Istanbul Inheritance Lawyer Do?

The inheritance lawyer in Istanbul has a very crucial role in inheritance law lawsuits and actions. Proceedings and lawsuits for portion of the inheritance that do not comply with the requirements of the law and current judicial decisions may cause irreparable damages or extend the process.

Below are the examples of the significant activities of the inheritance lawyer in Istanbul during this process:

  • While obtaining a certificate of inheritance; various factors should be taken into consideration such as previous testaments, heirs of the deceased heirs, etc. Without taking them into consideration, requesting a certificate of inheritance will cause problems in the long-term. The certificate of inheritance may be canceled, thus unnecessary loss of rights may arise.
  • Inheritance evasion is a very common incident in practice. In some cases it is possible to prevent this beforehand. In order to evaluate such incidents and to obtain an injunction quickly, you should consult an inheritance lawyer in Istanbul.
  • If there has been an inheritance evasion already, the legal process must be initiated immediately. Lawsuits for annulment of the disposal, cancellation-registration of the title deed, or reduction can be filed. The decisions of the Court of Cassation are very important in these lawsuits. Because there are several presumptions regarding the intention to inheritance evasion. It is very important to constantly monitor the current Court of Cassation decisions in order to succeed in these lawsuits.
  • Inheritance law contracts and testaments must be written cautiously. A legal basis that does not cause legal disputes in the mid and long-term should be established. At this point, it is very important to get assistance from an inheritance lawyer in Istanbul.

Importance of the Inheritance Lawyer

Above, we have mentioned about the fees, contact information and activity areas of inheritance lawyer in Istanbul.

These are not the only activities and functions that the inheritance lawyer performs during the legal process. It is necessary to be able to find solutions quickly and efficiently against legal problems that arise instantaneously. Consequently, it is absolutely recommended to consult an Istanbul law firm.

PS: If you are looking for an inheritance lawyer in Ankara and its surroundings, you can read our article titled ” Inheritance Lawyer in Ankara“.